Starcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 for Amiga OS4

So, I think I blogged about Stratagus a long time ago. It was an RTS engine that was ported to Amiga OS4 (and possibly 3.x as well). Using some addons, called Stargus, Amiga users could play Starcraft 1. It’s been around for a while but there is something called Wargus for Stratagus that makes Warcraft 2 available for Stratagus.

For the adventurous, you should download Stratagus first:
–> link link link <–

Some really good new games are available now

A while ago, I posted a blog post about where to find good games for nextgen Amigas.

AmigaSoft has some good games ready or in the pipeline.

Those places have been adding more games, in particular, BSzili has added some really good ports of existing PC games. He’s recently ported a major studio game (Jedi Academy) to all 3 Nextgen platforms. Read his interview here. Here’s a video of Jedi Academy running on OS4.1:

He’s even made a start at porting Homeworld (one of my personal favorites) to Amiga OS4.1, but I think he’s put the project on hold for a bit.

So, more fun time for Amiga NG users!

Places to find Games for NextGen Amiga (and Amiga-like systems)

Well, for anyone looking to get into some games and aren’t necessarily looking to run the classic Amiga games, here are a few sources to check out:

AROS playground has several ports for AROS. Check them out –> here <–

A user named BSzili has done many ports of games for both AROS and MorphOS. –> Here

Someone name HunoPPC has been porting quite a number of games to the latest Amiga OS. Check out his site –> here here

And don’t forget to check the software archive locations I mentioned in an earlier post.